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What to Expect

We are so glad you found us. It is our hope that you have a great experience online and get a good feel for who we are.


Whether you're looking for a new place to hear from God, or looking for a new church home, or you're in town visiting family and friends, you are our guest. Visiting a church for the first time can be exciting but also a little overwhelming. To make the most of your experience, here is some helpful information we hope will make you feel right at home.

What does a typical weekend look like at Quest?



Our members are a diverse group of people. We are not focused on race, financial or social status, or background. Our interest is in bringing people into a closer relationship with God. So, no matter what your background, class, financial status, education, or any other demographic, you are welcome here.


Get Settled

On arrival, you will be immediately welcomed by one of our friendly greeters. They will be more than happy to help you with anything you might need, such as signing your child into Kids Church, or helping you find the restroom. Once inside, you will notice the age range in our congregation, you'll see a lot of older people and a lot of young adults. Once you are seated, look at the screens to get an idea of upcoming events. We really are a family church, one we hope you will feel apart of very quickly.



Every Sunday we celebrate communion together. Anyone can participate in this time of reflection and prayer as long as they have made the decision to follow Jesus Christ. The juice and bread that we share represent the life He gave up so that our sins could be forgiven. We also have a special prayer for the sick and those with specific needs.



Then we have our favorite fifteen-minute time called “half-time.” It’s precisely what it sounds like: a deliberate pause between one thing before another. This is a time to say hello, or visit the restroom. Because we value children worshiping alongside parents and the whole community, we’ve thought of a creative way to include them at the beginning before the youngest enter an age-appropriate learning environment. 

Opening Song

The service will begin with a worship/praise song. As we do so many people will sing along, some will stand, some will bow their heads in prayer, some will remain seated and simply listen. We invite you to participate in whatever way you are comfortable.



After our opening song a leader of our church will welcome everyone to our Sunday Worship Experience. The leader will pray, then invite us all to continue worshiping God through songs.



The service will continue in praise & worship. Our worship team will lead us in about 20 minutes of worship. We love worship,  all kinds of worship. We have it all. From contemporary worship songs and hymns to prophetic worship and dance you will find a wide variety of worship at Quest. As always, we invite you to participate in whatever way you are comfortable or simply listen and observe.


Our Worship Team is amazing (we're a little biased.) We're contemporary, it'll be upbeat and probably louder than you expected. You'll hear a few worship songs during the service and even maybe a cover tune so, feel free to sing along or participate however you feel most comfortable. Lyrics may be on the screens from time to time.

Worship is an integral part of our community experience. This time is set aside for communicating with God from our hearts. Our Worship Team is led under the direction of our Pastor. Our style ranges from traditional to contemporary. We don’t think of it as sing-a-long time, or just another part of the program but the, time for everyone to worship in their own way for many, that that means singing and clapping, or raising their hands to God, and for others it means quietly reflecting on the words. You’re welcome to do whatever makes you feel most comfortable. We believe in genuine, thoughtful, intentional, and passionate worship in its various forms. You’ll find there is only room for our Father... His son Jesus... and the Holy Spirit in the spotlight.


Children's Church

While adults are in the worship center, kids are listening to their own dynamic interactive message and learning principles that can be lived out all week long. Children are divided into classrooms with age-appropriate teachings and activities. They discuss topics that will help them build a solid foundation and strong relationship with God.


The Message

Our Pastors’ energetic preaching is both Engaging and Relevant. Every service is a little different, but you can always expect relevant teaching. At Quest Church we believe the Bible is very applicable for the day and culture in which we live and we place a high value on the authority of the scripture for our lives. Every weekend, you will hear a relevant, straightforward message that is based on scripture and is designed to be helpful in your everyday life. We trust that these messages will help you develop a growing, vibrant relationship with Jesus Christ and provide a strong biblical foundation for your life. The message is usually about 35 minutes.



We are a Spirit-filled church. You can expect to see spontaneous ministry flow out of our worship and prayer times, including the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Quest is truly a Spirit-led congregation where God is allowed to move whenever He wants.


Altar Call

We promise to pray for all in need. After most of every service, Pastor Rena’ invites those who would like to accept Jesus as Lord as well as those desiring special prayer to the front. Our trained Elders and leaders join Pastor Rena’ as they pray and minister to all those with needs. We don’t drag things out but we do welcome the moving of the spirit and try to minister to all who come for prayer.



This is a time for us to give our Tithes and Offerings. If you do no feel comfortable giving or are unsure, please don't feel obligated to give. We are just glad to have you as our guest!



This is a time to announce upcoming events, activities, and happenings at Quest.


Stay for Conversation

Every Sunday following our service Expect to be noticed. Expect people to say something like, “Hi, we haven’t met before, is this your first time?” Expect for people to reach out to you in love. We would love to have you stay for this time as this is a great time for you to get to know us and also we can get to know you.


Get More Information

If you are a newcomer we welcome you and hope you feel entirely at home.  Be sure and check out our website to see our many resources and to find what Quest Church has to offer you.


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About Us 

​Our Pastor 


Service Times

Sunday Service 12:30pm​

Wednesday Midweek Corporate Prayer 6:30pm
Wednesday Midweek Bible Study 7:00pm


5230 Northfield Rd.

Maple Heights, OH. 44137


Tel: 216-510-5559


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