Our Story
Dyronda Bey, her 2 daughters, and a minister, pursued God's call of starting a new church in the Greater Cleveland area. The decision to move on the voice of God was difficult, as their prior assignment was reaching its peak of momentum.Why would they deviate from a ministry, that was established, and cherished, to leave behind a supportive ministry team, for a new place where they would have to start over again? The motivation was simple: they wanted to make an eternal difference in people’s lives. God had been speaking with Dyronda about loving, and serving the people of Greater Cleveland, particularly, the non-churched people who need to understand the beauty of God’s love through Jesus Christ.
Although working as an administrator, and hosting annual conferences; Dyronda wondered if starting a church for the unchurched people is what she should do. But after praying, it became very clear, this is what God wanted. In obedience to God's call, Dyronda moved toward starting a church. Not long after, she began meeting people, and started a small bible study in a local community center. The response from this emerging bible study was exciting.
A family opened their hearts to God and put their faith in Jesus Christ. Over time, more and more people gave their lives to Christ, and committed to the ministry in their response to the message of Jesus Christ. The possibility of a church being established was very possible, now with a strong group of followers, and the confirmation of the church's name being “Spirit and Truth Worship Center”.
A church home was next on their agenda. Finding a place to worship became the journey of faith, and growth, yet God, in His faithfulness provided for the call, and opened a door to a place where the ministry could have their worship services. Soon that place of worship was too small to accommodate the people who were attending; with great excitement they decided to move the ministry to the basement of Pastor Bey’s house to prepare for a larger facility. Yet, at the same time the ministry went through great difficulty, and there was a church split. Despite the problems, God sustained them and provided in the most miraculous ways.
In 2010 Pastor Bey, and a team of faithful members held their first worship service in their new facility, with a new church name Quest Community Church. The church name was inspired by 1 Cor. 14 (AMPC) “EAGERLY PURSUE and seek to acquire [this] love [make it your great quest; especially that you may prophesy (interpret the divine will and purpose in inspired preaching and teaching). The church has maintained its Faith in God in its attempt to spread God’s love. The Story of Quest is just the beginning of our adventurous Journey. The history is being written, as the church is pursuing a more intentional vision of growing God’s family here, and around the world, through local Ministry, Outreach, and Church Planting.
It has been an amazing journey so far! We have been blown away by God's faithfulness and challenged by His persistence in transforming our lives. It hasn't always been easy or fun, but it is always rewarding to experience the power of the Gospel to change lives - especially ours!
As we continue to pursue God's heart for our city, we are more convinced than ever that God has great plans for Quest Church. By God’s grace, our family continues to grow, and lives are being transformed by the “Good News” of the Gospel.
We pray you will come and see for yourself what God is up to – you might just decide to become a part of the story!