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How Do I Become a Member?  

Part of being a Christian means being a part of a church family. That’s why every believer who calls Quest Church their home church should become a member.


Committing to a local church through membership:

  1. Is an expression of belonging to the body of Christ

  2. Enables you to live out God’s commands of how to live with fellow believers

  3. Puts you in a position to be able to submit to God-given church leaders

  4. And provides you with access to live out various opportunities at the church.​

So how do I become a member at Quest Church? How do I join the family?

You can become a member in three easy steps:


Step 1: Attend Informational Meeting/Discover Quest

Discover Quest is a one-hour informational meeting designed to help you learn more about us, and for us to learn more about you. You'll get a chance to hear from our Lead Pastor Rena' Bey, and learn about the history of the church, our vision, mission, beliefs and our core values. You’ll get to ask questions, and discover how to take your next step at Quest Church. Discovery Quest is a requirement and the first step toward membership for anyone who desires to be a member of Quest Church. Discover Quest is even open for those who just want to sit in and see what we are all about. 


This will be a one-week class for one hour, held quarterly on Sundays at 3:30 pm - 5:30pm. Children's childcare is available. 


If you are interested in attending our next Discover Quest, please fill out this Discover Quest Interest form.

Step 2: Attend New Members Class

New Members Class is a two-hour informational class designed to teach and help you understand what the Bible says about church membership, what it means to be a member at Quest, expectations of a member, and what you should expect from your church and why being a member of a local church is so important to your spiritual growth. This class is designed for everyone interested in becoming a church member at Quest. 


This will be a two-week class for two hours, held quarterly every third and fourth Sundays at 3:30 pm - 5:30pm. Children's childcare is available. 

Please fill out this Membership Interest form to receive information about how to become a member and any upcoming Membership classes.

Step 3: Fill Out Membership Form

Once you have a clear understanding of who we are and what we believe; the next step in the process is to fill out the Membership Form. The membership form allows us to capture the information necessary to get you plugged into the ministry.

Step 4: One-On-One Session

At this stage in the process, we’ll set a one on one meeting with Pastor Rena' and answer any remaining questions you may have.

Quick Links

How to Become a Member

Discover Quest 

New Membership Class

Membership FAQ

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