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  • What Denomination are you?
    We are Non-Denomination, Apostolic-Prophetic Ministry. We’re just a body of people committed to being the church as described in the Bible. If you want to know what we believe, check out our statement of faith. ​
  • What time is Sunday service?
    Quest Sunday Service starts at 12:30, but Quest doors are open 30 minutes ahead of service time so that you are able to find convenient parking, and say hello. We encourage you to inform one of our greeters that you are 30 minutes ahead, so they can connect you with one of our hosts who can help you find seating. After the service, be sure to visit our Next Steps area where we can answer your questions over a good cup of coffee. ​
  • 3. What should I Expect?
    Expect to hear from God by spending time in praise & worship, prayer, and teaching. Usually, our services last about 90 minutes. Reading through Our Beliefs will help you understand who we are and what you can expect when you visit.
  • 4. Where can I find Directions to Quest?
    Quest Church is located in Maple Heights, Ohio at 5230 Northfield Rd.Click Hereto visit our Directions page.​ ​
  • Where do I park?
    Free parking is available directly adjacent to the Quest Church Main Entrance. Click Here for our Parking guide or visit our Directions page for detailed parking information.​
  • 6. What should I wear?
    We don't have a dress code. Our focus is on Christ. Most of our attendees dress casual, Some like to dress up. Whatever you choose, you'll fit right in. You might even spot a Cavs Jersey or two on a gameday. Get ready for some very opinionated sports enthusiasts if you decide to pick a team, though. We just want you to come as you are. ​
  • Can my children stay with me during worship service?
    Yes! Whether you choose to have your child attend children church or be cared for in our staffed child care area, or bring them to worship with you, any option is fine. All children of school age begin in the worship service and then are dismissed to junior church just before the sermon.
  • 8. Do you have Children Church? ​
    We provide children's programming for ages 5 to 11 years old. Our kids are important! So we create a place just for them; a safe, irresistible atmosphere designed to teach the Bible in a fun, creative and relevant way. We let your children stay in the main worship experience for the first two songs to learn worship from you! Then, we dismiss kids to their age appropriate classes so they can learn about God in their way, on their level. For all the details on children's programming, please visit our Children's Ministry page. ​
  • 9. I'm LGBTQ. Can I come?
    Yes! While Biblical Authority is one of our values, we think you'll find that we're not a community that throws stones. It's our hope that you feel welcome and comfortable when you step through our doors.
  • 10. What's the music like?
    Our Worship Team is amazing (we're a little biased.) We’re contemporary, it'll be upbeat and probably louder than you expected. You'll hear a few worship songs during the service and even maybe a cover tune, so feel free to sing along, or participate however you feel most comfortable. Lyrics may be on the screens from time to time.
  • 11. Can I meet Pastor Rena'?
    Pastor Rena has a reception line for meeting visitors after almost every service.
  • What are Quests Office hours?
    Our administrative office is open Monday – Thursday, 9am – 2pm.
  • 13. How do I become a "Member" at Quest Church? How do I join the family?"
    You can become a member in three easy steps: Step 1: Attend Informational Meeting/Discover Quest Step 2: Attend New Membership Class Step 3: Fill Out Membership Form Stepp 4: One-On-One Session with Pastor To learn more about Quest Membership click here.
  • 14. How can I get Connected and find out what's going on at Quest Church?
    If you would like to keep up with what’s going on at Quest, then you can always check our website Events page, Be our friend onFacebook and follow us onInstagram. You can also subscribe to get Quest Text and Email alerts, by texting (216)600-6002 and text "sign up for Quest Text alerts".
  • 15. How can I request Pastor Rena' as a speaker?
    You can request Pastor Rena' as a speaker, by filling out a Request Speaker Form.
  • In an attempt to be culturally relevant, do you ever water-down the bible?"
    NO! God’s Word is our final authority. We never ignore truth because we want people to like us, but we do try to package truth within the language of our culture so that people can hear it in a way that makes sense and feels relevant to their lives. We use music, film and video that you might have seen online or have on your own playlist because were addressing the questions and thoughts already taking place in the cultural conversation. In our services, we hope you experience the message as much through the music and creative programming as through the speaker.
  • Will you be asking for money?
    We do give our offering every week, but it’s not for people who are checking out faith or the church. Quest Church is supported financially by the people who have chosen to make it their church home. You won’t find us trying to squeeze cash out of you every time you walk through the door. Giving should never flow out of compulsion or guilt, but rather out of desire to love God and be a part of what He’s doing in and through the church.
  • 18. What happens to the money people give?
    Quest Church is committed to being wise stewards of the financial gifts entrusted to us. Not only do we provide a facility, we are committed to meeting needs in our community.
  • Can I give a offering or donation online?
    YES. All details on giving or donating, please visit our Giving page.
  • 20. Will I be made to stand up, introduce myself, or be singled out when I visit?"
    NO. We respect your privacy and your desire to worship with us at your own comfort level. We'll never call on you from the chairs or ask you to introduce yourself. You may be warmly greeted before or after the service by any of the members and you will probably be given a visitor packet which will contain a visitor card that you may elect to fill out so that we may keep a record of your visit with us. These cards may be placed in our offering bags, or given to any usher or the pastor upon leaving the service. ​
  • 21. Do you Celebrate Communion?
    YES. Every Sunday, we celebrate communion together at 12:00pm. To read more about the importance of communion click here.
  • 22. May I participate in communion if I am not a Member or even Baptist?
    At Quest we celebrate open communion. Meaning that everyone who knows the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior and understands that there is no saving merit in taking the elements may participate.
  • 23. Can I submit a prayer request?
    Our Pastor and Elders can pray with you over the phone or in our offices Monday-Thursday from 9am-12pm. Simply Click Here to submit prayer request. We’d love to chat with you.
  • Can I serve at Quest?
    We believe that public acts of service like serving on the door, teaching children, leading worship, a musican, teaching adult Sunday school, and leading a small group—should be reserved for members of Quest Church. If you’re a regular local attendee of Quest Church and want to get involved by volunteering, We don’t have short-term volunteer opportunities available for Quest visitors because our heart is for you to receive, rest and be refreshed during your visit! For more details on serving opportunities click here.
  • 25. Where can I get information on Quests events and conferences?
    Check out our Events Page for a list of upcoming events. You’ll also find details on how to register. We hope to see you soon!

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About Us 

​Our Pastor 


Service Times

Sunday Service 12:30pm​

Wednesday Midweek Corporate Prayer 6:30pm
Wednesday Midweek Bible Study 7:00pm


5230 Northfield Rd.

Maple Heights, OH. 44137


Tel: 216-510-5559


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