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Core Values

Core Values are activities and practices that give direction to our worship of God.


1. We Value Being a Compassionate Church.

We are committed to developing and maintaining a proper relationship with God and to reaching out to others in a manner that is mindful of His love for us. (Luke 10:25-27) (James 1:27) (I John 5:12) 

2. We Value Being a Soul Winning and Church. Planting Church.

The most effective way to fulfill the Great Commission is Soul Winning and to Plant Churches. Our ability to make disciples is multiplied through starting local churches that have a vision to reach the lost in their community. (Matthew 16:18, 28:19-20)

3. We Value Being a Community and Worldwide Outreach Church. 

We seek to embrace The Great Commandment. God loves the people who live in our community, so we think it is important to show His love for them in practical ways. We will strive to communicate the hope of Jesus in a culturally relevant way so the lost in our community may be won to Christ. We will also support missionaries around the world with resources and prayer.(John 3:16, Matthew 28:19-20)

4. We Value Mobilizing Believers. 

While our Pastor and Elders lead the congregation, at Quest Community Church, the members are the ministers. We believe it is our responsibility to fulfill the Great Commission by making disciples of Jesus who in turn go and make other disciples. It is our goal to train and release every member into the ministry and calling that God had designed them for. (Ephesians 4:11-13, Matthew 2819-20)

5. We Value Being a Serving, Giving, and Charitable Church. 

We are a serving church. We are committed to showing Christ-like behavior toward others through unselfish and sacrificial service. (Luke 10:25-27) (James 5:19-20) We are a giving church. We are committed to the proper use of our time, resources and spiritual gifts to the glory of God. (Luke 6:38, 2 Cor. 9:6, Mal. 3:10) We are a charitable church. Charity is love. We believe that God’s love and generosity towards humanity moves and inspires us to love and be generous in response. (Luke 10:25-27 James 1:27)

6. We Value Being a Bibliocentric Church. 

We are a bibliocentric church. We are committed to the Bible as having been written under divine inspiration and recognizing that it is the authority and guide for life. (Deut. 4:1-14, 2 Tim. 3:16) The Bible is God’s handbook for our lives and practical bible teaching it is the foundation for our beliefs and behaviors. It has the power to change lives, so we want to teach it in a way that makes it applicable and understandable for everyone. (2 Timothy 3:16, James 1:23-25)

7. We Value Being a Prayer Church.

We are a praying church. We believe God’s authority and power are revealed to us and through us when we communicate with Him. Prayer under girds everything we do at Quest Community Church. That’s why we rely on personal and corporate prayer in the conception, planning, and execution of all ministries and activities. We believe it should be a vital part of everyone’s daily life. (James 5:16-18, Zechariah 4:6) (Proverbs 15:8, Mark 11:23-25)

8. We Value Being a Church with Passionate Worship God made us to worship Him.

We will keep looking for fresh ways to lift up Jesus and express our love and appreciation for Him. When we gather, we seek to lead people into a worship encounter with God that produces hope. (Romans 12:1, Psalm 150:1-6 We are committed to reverencing God based on a Trinitarian understanding. (John 4:23-24, Psalm 95:6, Col. 3:14-17 ESV), (Genesis 4:4) (John 4:21-24) 

9. We Value Being a Church of Diversity God loves variety, so every culture has something unique to offer to our experience. Quest is a melting pot of the people from every race and ethic group. Our leadership, worship style and culture reflect our desire to make everyone feel loved, valued and appreciated.(Acts 2:1-13, Acts 1:7-8, Matt.28:19)

10. We Value Being a Family-Life Church

We seek to create an environment that strengthens families as well as provide ministries that bring healing to broken families. We emphasize the priority of spending time with our families, investing in our marriages, and parenting our children with great love and care (1 Timothy 3:4-5)

11. We Value the Children & Youth of our Church. 

It is better to build strong children, than try to repair them as adults. We will cut no corners in creating a safe, exciting quality children and youth ministry. We are committed to the spiritual growth and discipleship of every emerging generation. (Matthew 19:14)

12. We Value Authentic Relationships Ministry happens best in the context of loving relationships.

We think it is important to spend time developing genuine relationships with the people in our church and community. Because of this we will always facilitate various small groups for building relationships, stimulating spiritual growth, and developing leadership. (Proverbs 27:17, Psalm 133:1)

13. We Value Being a Church of Excellence and Creativity. 

We are a church of excellence. We are committed to the practice of doing our very best in all things at all times. Excellence honors God and inspires people. We want our ministries and facilities to be characterized by excellence to the glory of God. We are more concerned with effectiveness in ministry than with adherence to tradition, so we will look for creative and innovative ways to communicate the good news of Jesus without compromising in doctrine. (Colossians 3:23, Eph. 6:6)

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Service Times

Sunday Service 12:30pm​

Wednesday Midweek Corporate Prayer 6:30pm
Wednesday Midweek Bible Study 7:00pm


5230 Northfield Rd.

Maple Heights, OH. 44137


Tel: 216-510-5559


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